I am calling on the combined scholarship of this site to
help me with my research.
Under the subheading of “Who Selected the Canon?”, pages
27-28 of The Watchtower of April 1, 2010 quotes Professor Oskar Skarsaune and
Professor Kenneth Berding.
The Watchtower writes:
“Professor of Church History Oskar Skarsaune states: “Which
writings that were to be included in the New Testament, and which were not, was
never decided upon by any church council or by any single person ... The
criteria were quite open and very sensible: Writings from the first century
C.E. that were regarded as written by apostles or by their fellow workers were
regarded as reliable. Other writings, letters, or ‘gospels’ that were written
later were not included ... This process was essentially completed a long time
before Constantine and a long time before his church of power had been
established. It was the church of martyrs, not the church of power, that gave
us the New Testament.”
I need to know four things regarding this quotation:
(1) Where does the quotation come from? The Watchtower
article provides no attribution. I have already asked the Professor and he
replied that he could have written it but he cannot locate it in his Norwegian or
English books or articles. He commented “Interesting!”
(2) What are the words which are omitted from the quotation?
My suspicions are always raised when the Watch Tower Society resorts to this
(3) What is the complete context of the quotation?
(4) What are the overall positions taken by the article?
Professor Oskar
Skarsaune’s views on canonization are available at Chapter 14 of his book, “In
The Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity”.
So, can you help solve the questions I pose?
The Watchtower magazine then writes:
“Ken Berding,
an associate professor whose field of study is the Christian Greek Scriptures,
gives this comment about how the canon emerged: 'The church did not establish a
canon of its choosing; it is more proper to speak of the church recognizing the
books that Christians had always considered to be an authoritative Word from
God.' ”
Once again, The Watchtower magazine fails to provide its
source. But for your information, the article by Kenneth Berding is available
online at:
The sentence cited
by The Watchtower appears in the article’s Summary, which reads:
“The teachings of the Lord and his apostles were considered
self-authenticating and authoritative from the days they were first
spoken/written. As the apostles died off, orthodox Christians continued to use
the writings of the apostles as authoritative. Such Christians recognized a
distinction between the writings of the apostolic circle and later Christians
who wrote edifying material. The church did not establish a canon
of its choosing; it is more proper to speak of the church recognizing
the books that Christians had always considered to be an authoritative Word
from God.”
Note Berding's emphases with the use of italics.
A key expression in Berding's article that The Watchtower carefully does not
provide is: “self-authenticating”. The Watch Tower Society wishes to make it
appear as if their first-century counterparts were responsible for making the
decisions. The article by Kenneth Berding shows that the Watch Tower Society's position is untenable.